Saturday, November 23, 2024

Testing Traefik's dyn.toml jinja template generation with python.

Thought I'd share the simple python code to dry run the jinja template with variables. I needed to do it for the Traefik proxy dyn.toml. Especially with their change of using multiple Host and PathPrefix conditions, instead of having multiple parameters inside these.

Here is the code:

from jinja2 import Environment, select_autoescape, FileSystemLoader

env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(

context = {
    'fqdn': '',
    'http_services': [
    'name': 'adiona',
    'priority': '2',
    'path_prefix': '`/prefix1/`, `/prefix2/`',
    'all_fqdn_aliases': ',,',
    'ip_port': ''
    'name': 'beacon',
    'priority': '4',
    'path_prefix': '`/prefix2/`',
    'all_fqdn_aliases': ',,',
    'ip_port': ''

template = env.get_template('dyn.toml.j2')

body = template.render(context)


And fragment of the dyn.toml.j2 to show the usage of the context:

{% for service in http_services %}
  {% set domains = all_fqdn_aliases.split(',') %}
  {% set prefixes = service.path_prefix.split(',') %}
  [http.routers.{{ }}]
    rule = "({% for domain in domains %}Host(`{{ domain }}`){% if not loop.last %} || {% endif %}{% endfor %}) && ({% for prefix in prefixes %}PathPrefix({{ prefix }}){% if not loop.last %} || {% endif %}{% endfor %})"
    entrypoints = ["main", "main-secure"]

Rendered fragment:

    rule = "(Host(``) || Host(``) || Host(``)) && (PathPrefix(`/prefix1/`) || PathPrefix( `/prefix2/`))"
    entrypoints = ["main", "main-secure"]
These are my first lines of python code ever, so I'm letting you to cope with the python environment setup. 

Somehow I confirmed to vscode to create this environment in some folder and I had to copy dyn.toml.j2 there, otherwise it could not find it, regardless the searchpath. Run button is fortunately just above the python window :). You'll need to install python extension, but vscode offers that once you create your first python file, cool.

Hope it might help someone. 

My regards to all jinjas!

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Elastic 7.1 > 8.16. Journalbeat > Filebeat. Migration notes.

Journalbeat is removed in 7.16

Use filebeat's new input type of journald:

Add input:

- type: journald
  id: everything

To avoid indices like:


Set fields, source in journald input type, e.g.:

- type: journald
  id: everything
    source: journal

That will lead to index names as:


I was trying with the index name configuration as described in docs:

But I should have been doing something wrong, as I was only getting indices like filebeat-%{[fields][source]}-2024.11.16.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Failed Proxmox 7 -> 8 upgrade. I forgot to substitute bullseye with bookworm in one of the repository lists!

They literally say in Proxmox wiki for 7 to 8 upgrade:

Ensure that there are no remaining Debian Bullseye specific repositories left, if you can use the # symbol at the start of the respective line to comment these repositories out. Check all files in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list and /etc/apt/sources.list and see Package_Repositories for the correct Proxmox VE 8 / Debian Bookworm repositories.

And I managed to forget the one in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list. I should not have had it there in the first place, at that time I didn't know Proxmox at all.

So after following the upgrade steps and having no errors after apt dist-upgrade I faced no Web interface being available as the first sign of my failure.

journalctl -u pveproxy showed:

Nov 13 14:24:08 pve62 pveproxy[314931]: ipcc_send_rec[3] failed: Connection refused

systemctl status pve-cluster showed:

○ pve-cluster.service
     Loaded: masked (Reason: Unit pve-cluster.service is masked.)
     Active: inactive (dead)


-bash: pveversion: command not found

Running apt update showed me that I have bullseye still somewhere in the sources.


List the repositories:

grep "^[^#]" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
/etc/apt/sources.list:deb bookworm main contrib
/etc/apt/sources.list:deb bookworm-updates main contrib
/etc/apt/sources.list:deb bookworm-security main contrib
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list:deb bullseye pve-no-subscription


vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list

What now? Let see how to put broken proxmox installation back on top of debian:


wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg 


apt install proxmox-ve

Fails with error:

E: Failure running script /usr/share/proxmox-ve/pve-apt-hook



I did the following and that seems to have solved the problem.

mkdir -p /usr/share/proxmox-ve
touch /usr/share/proxmox-ve/pve-apt-hook
chmod +x /usr/share/proxmox-ve/pve-apt-hook

After that:

apt update && apt full-upgrade

apt dist-upgrade

And the last one:

apt install proxmox-ve

Web inteface is back, no errors so far. All containers are running as they should.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

ML310e Gen 8 v2 - Front IO pinout. Using ML310e case as a MicroATX housing.

Recycling now my very old ML310e and want to reuse it for the X570D4U from AsRock

Here is a hole I had to cut in ML310 the case, lol:

And as I was not able to find any pinout diagram for the front-io panel:

Here is mine (don't trust me though and always re-check by yourself!):

Sending my worldwide regards to all server recyclers :)!

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Example of a PostgreSQL function to convert json string literal to a table.

Was not able to google one up readily, so created this sample:

create or replace function fn_events_util_get_changes_table_from_json (
p_changes_json text
/* Usage:
select * from fn_events_util_get_changes_table_from_json(
'{"uuid":"389f893f-45a5-492b-b2db-ccef4720d5a3", "name": "name1", "count_added":1, "count_updated":2, "count_deleted":3},'
'{"uuid":"389f893f-45a5-492b-b2db-ccef4720d5a6", "name": "name2", "count_added":0, "count_updated":0, "count_deleted":1}'
returns table (
id uuid,
"name" text,
count_added int,
count_updated int,
count_deleted int
language plpgsql
as $$
return query
(change_json->>'uuid')::uuid as uuid,
(change_json->>'name')::text as "name",
(change_json->>'count_added')::int as "count_added",
(change_json->>'count_updated')::int as "count_updated",
(change_json->>'count_deleted')::int as "count_deleted"
(select ids_json_array::json as change_json from json_array_elements_text(p_changes_json::json) as ids_json_array) as ids_json;
Hope it might help someone!

Friday, October 22, 2021

TIL: Proxmox "pct create" -rootfs parameter and disk size.

 Got confused by that -rootfs parameter of proxmox when creating a new container with "pct create", so documenting it here.

-rootfs local:2
translates into (when creating container with id 1062, /etc/pve/lxc/1062.conf):
rootfs: local:1062/vm-1062-disk-0.raw,size=2G
so local:2 then stands for the "local" volume and 2GB as a disk size.

Using size=2G sub-parameter led to the size of 1062G, interestingly. Not sure if this is a bug in proxmox (v7.0) or what.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ubuntu 18.04 server and ESXI on Intel NUC Hades Canyon.

This post is just to confirm that dual boot Ubuntu 18.04.3 server and ESXI 6.7 U3 on Intel NUC Hades Canyon is possible and to describe some pitfalls/obstacles I had to jump through.

My configuration for the Intel NUC Hades Canyon is Kingston dual ranked 2x16GB + 2xSamsung EVO 670 500GB.

I first thought I'd do it with RAID in BIOS, but both ESXI and Ubuntu server just ignored this option anyway and second, I read that actually it is a good idea to avoid this BIOS RAID option in order to be able to read/use disks after the CPU/board failure.

#1 Installing ubuntu 18.04.3 server on Intel NUC Hades Canyon

I should tell I was a long time user of Digital Ocean, Host Europe and so on - preinstalled Ubuntu server was it for me. Somehow this time I bumped into "live" version of Ubuntu server and started to install it with the outcome of installation not seeing the disks to install Ubuntu, "Unfortunately Probing for devices to install to failed.":

This "problem" was the reason for the part #2 of this post - installing ESXI. I only got to the article above and understanding that I picked the wrong Ubuntu version after I have ESXI successfully installed as a boot option for disk 1.

Here is the image for Ubuntu 18.04.3 "not live" server, just for a reference:

I also ran into Ubuntu 18.04 server installation getting stuck at 66% while running'update-grub':

After killing the offending process, to exit busybox I used:


and then probably Ctrl+F1

#2 Installing VMWare ESXI Hypervisor

My main problem with ESXI installation was creating a bootable ESXI image on my mac. After a bit of research I was lucky enough to find Unetbootin:

Other than that, ESXI was a breeze to install and use. Btw, I used the "live" version of Ubuntu 18.04.3 server as ESXI ubuntu iso image and it worked just alright, I really liked the ssh from github option when installing.

This concludes my notes on dual boot Ubuntu 18.04.3 and ESXI on Intel NUC Hades Canyon. Machine performance is outstanding, no heat, no noise. Performance of AWS large instance to paid for itself within 45 days from what I read.

Next steps are to study on MAAS, LXD, Juju for the Kubernetes deployment as a target.

Also looking forward the next generation of Intel NUC Canyon, the Ghost one!