Thursday, May 10, 2012

OMG! I didn't have my appstore keywords right! Now I know it!

I've been tuning keywords for my iPhone app Here&Near (free on AppStore) for quite a while now. Being glad when climbing from 5 downloads per day to 10 (then getting to near zero after some tweaking again :)).

And it looks like during my last update I got closer to understanding what right keywords would be:

I like this download rate much more. Not sure it is going to stay and if I'm going to share this fact :):). Now I'm like "wow, how I could not have seen what I'm missing!?"

My problem, as an app creator, was about seeing keywords through my own lens, not from the user trenches. And I have not taken the exercise of trying to see it through the user eyes... I haven't done it yet! I just rambled to some better keywords because of some round robin rotate almost. Should I have paid more attention to it earlier I could have had much bigger user base!

On the other side, kind of "Apple Keyword Tool" would really help us devs and users, I believe!

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